The Hi Arc Foundry

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Simple flat One-sided Mold in silicone.

——————Disclaimer: This tutorial is in no way advocating mold making/duplication of others IP for commercial or monetary gain, this is intended for those who want to expand their skillset toolbox.—————————————————-

Many videos on my channel discussing flat plate molds, to duplicate detail parts for building custom Gunpla and model kits. Being able to get more than one use out of a favorite part can be great and rewarding.

Here we have a spare rivet off the GroBer Hund from the Maschinen Krieger property. I have clipped this off the runner keeping is square and true.


Next we move on to securing it ti the base plate, in this case a sheep of dollar store foam board. give a small amount of space on all sides for next step. Using hot glue, keep your fingers safe.

Evenly spread out a thin bead of glue then press firmly but not to forcfull, will cool very fast after a few seconds.

Time to get the walls built, Here i check the hight of the part needed to mold about 1/8 inch above the tallest point should do fine. So I mark that out and make the first cut to check, then when satisfied ill cut the other 3 walls

Staggering the walls in this way allows you to create a no hassle box, with room to adjust size.

Hot glue to secure

Here we move on to Silicone prep, using a universal mold release I lightly dust the surface of the part and the wold walls, as the paper can stick to the silicone.

See my videos for Silicone options but I recommend for your first time a thin long cue Tin based silicone and you don’t have to worry much about contamination or uncured silicone.

Evacuation if silicone is helpful but not required as it can be expensive for the equipment.

After the release has had a few minutes to flash off, dry, then its time to pur the silicone in this case a super small mold I used the extra silicone in a larger mold before and this was secondary.

pour from one side until the box is lvlv and filled, this would be a good time to get a Level out and make sure the foam is level on the table, or close ot level, use popsicle sticks or paper to level.

After cure, demold should be as simple as pulling off the foam and throwing the foam board away it won’t be used again.

urethane resin cast into the mold, look at that detail.